Amphipathic lipids — are molecules that are mostly lipid like (hydrophobic) in structure, but at one end have a region that is polar or ionic (hydrophilic). The hydrophilic region is usually referred to as the head group, and the lipid portion is know as the tail(s) … Wikipedia
amphipathic — Of a molecule, having both hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions. Can apply equally to small molecules, such as phospholipids, and macromolecules such as proteins … Dictionary of molecular biology
amphipathic — Denoting a molecule, such as comprises detergents or wetting agents, that contains groups with characteristically different properties, e.g., both hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties. SYN: amphiphilic, amphiphobic. [amphi + G. pathos, feeling] … Medical dictionary
lipid — /lip id, luy pid/, n. Biochem. any of a group of organic compounds that are greasy to the touch, insoluble in water, and soluble in alcohol and ether: lipids comprise the fats and other esters with analogous properties and constitute, with… … Universalium
Model lipid bilayer — A model lipid bilayer is any bilayer assembled in vitro, as opposed to the bilayer of natural cell membranes or covering various sub cellular structures like the nucleus. A model bilayer can be made with either synthetic or natural lipids. The… … Wikipedia
Lipid — Structures of some common lipids. At the top are oleic acid[1] and cholesterol.[2] The middle structure is a triglyceride composed of oleoyl, stearoyl, and palmitoyl chains at … Wikipedia
Primordial sandwich — The concept of the primordial sandwich was proposed by the chemist Günter Wächtershäuser to describe the possible origins of the first cell membranes, and, therefore, the first cell.According to the two main models of abiogenesis, RNA world and… … Wikipedia
micelle — One of the possible ways in which amphipathic molecules may be arranged; a spherical structure in which all the hydrophobic portions of the molecules are inwardly directed, leaving the hydrophilic portions in contact with the surrounding aqueous… … Dictionary of molecular biology
micelle — noun /maɪˈsɛl,məˈsɛl/ a colloidal aggregate, in a simple geometric form, of a specific number of amphipathic molecules which forms at a well defined concentration, called the critical micelle concentration … Wiktionary
амфипатичные молекулы — Молекулы, несущие одновременно как полярный, так и неполярный домены; поверхностно активные вещества (SDS) и мембранные липиды (лецитин) являются типичными примерами амфипатичных молекул [ Eng Rus.pdf]… … Справочник технического переводчика
detergents — Amphipathic, surface active, molecules with polar (water soluble) and non polar (hydrophobic) domains. They bind strongly to hydrophobic molecules or molecular domains to confer water solubility. Examples include: sodium dodecyl sulphate, fatty… … Dictionary of molecular biology